Always drain the carb if the bike is going to sit more than a few days. WHen I worked at the bike shop pilot jets plugging were a constant problem on every four-stroke.
Once the carb is drained loosen the carb clamps and twist the carb toward you, left side of bike. Remove the float bowl...those screws are soft. SO LIGHTLY tap the area around teh screw with a small hammer a few times before you try to loosen them with a good screwdriver.
Remove the pilot jet, spray some carb cleaner into a jar and let the pilot jet sit in there for an hour or so. Then blow it out wtih compressed air. Running a wire or anything thru that tiny, soft brass jet will ruin it. When the hole is perfectly clear reinstall. Be careful not to disturb the float or float level!
Put a bit of grease on the threads of the screws holding the float bowl on so they dont seise. It doesnt hurt to wipe a smear of grease on the float bowl seal as well, so it comes apart easily next time this happens.
That's it. Bike will run perfect again, don't forget to drain carb next time. I have seen bikes with tiny pilot jets, like our XTs, plug up solid in a week because of the crappy fuel we get these days.
Good luck, it's a nusciance but that's the way it is unfortunately,
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