
Can You Use Rubbing Alcohol To Clean A Ps2

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Game system consoles are ofttimes unable to recognize and read soiled game discs. Dust, lint, grime, and even fingerprints that notice their fashion onto game discs can cause a system mistake. When cleaning discs, ever employ the virtually gentle methods commencement, as the aforementioned treatments that remove dirt and scratches tin can crusade more damage if used too aggressively. If the game all the same won't run, patiently endeavour more heavy-duty treatments in turn. Cleaning the disc drive itself is too a good idea, especially if you get error messages for more than one game.

  1. 1

    Make clean simply when necessary. Clean the disc if you notice dirt or dust on the non-labeled side, or if your panel or computer can't run the disc. Frequent cleaning is unnecessary and increases the adventure of scratching the disc.

  2. 2

    Observe a soft, clean textile. E'er use a smooth-textured, lint-complimentary material, such as cotton or microfiber fabric. Avoid rough materials such every bit facial tissues or paper towels.


  3. 3

    Dampen a small surface area of the material. Use regular tap water to wet a small expanse of the cloth, then squeeze it out to remove excess water.

    • Never use household cleaning products, which can ruin the disc.
    • Disc repair products may be sold as "scratch repair" or "CD/DVD repair" products.
  4. iv

    Hold the game disc past its rim. Do not identify your fingers on the surface of the disc. Turn the game disc so the not-labeled, reflective side faces you.

    • If the labeled side is conspicuously dirty, yous can use this same method — but exist extremely careful, as wiping the labeled side too vigorously tin can destroy the data on some game discs.[1]
  5. 5

    Wipe the disc surface from the center outward with the wet fabric. Gently wipe the disc with the moisture cloth, starting from the center pigsty and moving in a straight, brusk line to the rim. Repeat until the entire disc has been wiped.

    • Never move the textile in circles around the disc, as this can damage information technology.
  6. 6

    Repeat with the dry surface area. Wipe the same side of the disc a 2d fourth dimension. This time, utilize the dry portion of the material to remove moisture. Take intendance to employ the same straight strokes, from the centre of the disc outward. Dry wiping is more likely to scratch the disc than wet, so exist actress gentle during this step.[2]

  7. 7

    Await two minutes before testing. Put the disc down with the reflective side confront-up. Await at to the lowest degree two minutes to allow the remaining moisture to evaporate. Once the disc is completely dry, put the disc into the disc drive of your game console or estimator and bank check whether the problem is fixed.

    • If there are still bug, attempt the other methods below. If your other games also won't run, make clean your disc bulldoze.


  1. i

    Empathise the risk. Most game disc manufacturers exercise not recommend using anything but water, but that's not always going to go the job done. These alternatives beneath are listed with the safest methods at the top, increasing in risk as you move down the list. Always use gently motions when cleaning to reduce the hazard of scratches.

  2. ii

    Mail your disc to a repair service. If you aren't prepared to gamble damage, search online for a mail-in disc repair service in your land. These services may have buffing machines or cleaning products that are not commercially available.

  3. 3

    Remove fingerprints and grease with rubbing booze. This method will non repair scratches, but should remove grease stains. Apply a dab of isopropyl alcohol to a clean cloth, and rub the disc from the center to the rim. Carefully wipe off wet with a dry textile with the same motions, then allow sit for two minutes so it is completely dry out.

    • Since dry cloths can crusade scratches, some disc owners prefer to allow the disc air-dry for half an hour or more instead.
  4. four

    Buy a disc cleaner spray. If the game still won't boot up, purchase a "disc repair" product in spray bottle form and follow the instructions on the packaging to make clean the disc. This may be sold as a "CD/DVD repair" or "scratch repair" product.

    • Using a disc repair buffing bike or other machine that comes with the disc repair product is highly discouraged, equally these tin cause damage.[3]
    • Always bank check the warnings to brand sure the production is safe for your type of disc.
  5. v

    Use a non-whitening, non-tartar-control toothpaste. Toothpaste is slightly abrasive, and can smooth off scratches with depression gamble of causing more damage.[iv] For maximum prophylactic, avert whitening and tartar command toothpastes, which tend to exist more abrasive. Utilize the toothpaste every bit you lot would water or rubbing alcohol, equally described above.

    • The toothpaste must be in paste class. Don't apply a gel, liquid or pulverisation.
  6. 6

    Select a safe smoothen. If toothpaste doesn't work, yous tin movement on to plastic shine, furniture polish, or metal polish. These are also slightly abrasive, but because they are non intended for game discs, there is a higher risk of impairment. Always cheque the ingredients listing for "solvents," "petroleum," or petroleum based products before using, equally these can dissolve through the CD and destroy it. If it smells similar kerosene or gasoline, don't utilise information technology.[5]

    • Some people report that Brasso metallic smooth is constructive, but this does contain a mild solvent. Utilize at your ain hazard.
  7. 7

    Use a articulate wax. Deep scratches tin be filled in past gently applying a clear wax, so buffing it in with a clean, dry cloth moving in straight lines from the center outward. 100% carnauba wax or another not-petroleum-based, clear production is recommended.[6]


  1. 1

    Blow out dust. Use a handheld air bulb to gently blow out dust from the drive. A can of compressed air will also work, just could cause harm to delicate drives.[7]

    • Always hold the can upright during use, or the propellant material may leak out.
  2. 2

    Purchase a laser lens cleaner. If your game console or estimator won't play a brand new, scratch-free disc, you may need to clean or repair its disc bulldoze. A light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation lens cleaner will only remove dust, not grease or caked-on dirt, just it'south easy to use and worth a endeavor. Typically, this comes in two parts: a disc to exist inserted into the bulldoze, and a canteen of liquid to drip onto the disc beforehand.

    • Make sure the cleaner is designed for your blazon of player, such every bit a DVD drive or PS3. Even using a CD drive cleaner on a DVD drive could damage it.
  3. 3

    Clean the lens. If the steps above don't work, and y'all don't want to take the drive to a professional repair shop, y'all'll demand to disassemble the drive and make clean the lens. If your device is still under warranty, be aware that this will likely void whatsoever risk of getting a replacement or free repair from the manufacture. If you're prepared to take the risk, follow these steps:

    • Shut off the device and unplug it.
    • Disassemble the bulldoze using a screwdriver. Some game console faceplates can be removed using pressure from your fingers, just do not utilize force unless a guide to your specific model recommends this.[viii] Continue disassembly until the entire, round drive and surrounding areas are visible.
    • Look at the lens. This is a pocket-size, drinking glass object. Minor scratches shouldn't cause problems, only deep scratches could crave professional treatment.[9] More than commonly, grit or crud is causing issues, in which example y'all can clean it:
    • Dampen a cotton or foam swab in 91%+ isopropyl alcohol. Gently wipe the lens. Allow to air dry before reassembling the drive.


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  • Question

    How exercise I keep my game disc working subsequently cleaning it?

    Community Answer

    Don't exit the disc in the console. Put information technology away in its original case later on its use.

  • Question

    Can a disk be cleaned if it is very scratched upwards?

    Community Answer

    You tin can try to use toothpaste, only you will need a lot of it. Information technology is non guaranteed to work for cleaning a disk that is severely scratched up.

  • Question

    How can I go my game to piece of work if it doesn't have whatsoever scratches?

    Community Answer

    If at that place is clearly nothing wrong with the disc, and so it may have something to practice with the panel or organization. Effort other discs out on the aforementioned organization, or the same disc on some other system to assistance rule that out.

  • Question

    I tried that and it didn't work, now what?

    Community Answer

    I advise yous synchronize the disk to a USB flash drive that's 64 gigabytes.

  • Question

    How practise I clean Batman 2 for Wii and its scratches?

    Community Answer

    I would prefer you get CD Wipes from your nearest video shop and wipe it downwardly. Otherwise, effort the toothpaste method, information technology will work.

  • Question

    Does this method piece of work for GameCube discs?

    Community Answer

    It should. I tried the toothpaste method with my Boom Bros. disc and it worked. Just don't utilize too much.

  • Question

    If some of my DVD label got peeled off the disc, can I resolve information technology by press a copyrighted DVD label to replace it?

    Community Answer

    No. This is not how discs piece of work. Unfortunately, you may have to buy another one.

  • Question

    How practise I go nutrient stains off of a game disc?

    Community Answer

    Use dish detergent mixed with water if your games disc is gluey. Dab some on a cloth and wipe the disc gently.

  • Question

    What type of liquids could I use to peel a label off of a DVD?

    Community Answer

    Don't remove the label. Some discs store data just below the label. Removing it may cause the disc to not work at all.

  • Question

    Can I use super glue to ready a DVD disc that has a fissure in the heart?

    Community Answer

    By that point, the disc would probably be unusable. It would likewise risk ruining your disc drive.

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  • Blot any liquid spills immediately with a soft cloth. Practise not rub or wipe the liquid away as this may damage the surface of the disc.

  • Store your game discs in their original plastic covers to keep them clean and safe.

  • Remove the disc before moving your game console or reckoner, to avoid damage.[10]

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  • Do not wipe off the disc with your hands; it will just make it worse.

  • Soap, solvents or annoying cleansers may cause permanent damage to your game discs.

  • Exercise not use mechanical disc cleaners, as these devices may cause permanent damage to the surface of the game disc.

  • Some discs store the data just below the label. Do not clean the labeled side unless there is obvious dirt over information technology, and exist extremely conscientious when doing so.[11]

  • Don't add tape or stickers to your disc.[12]


Almost This Article

Commodity Summary X

If y'all're trying to make clean a game disc that's been scratched, get-go by putting a petty regular toothpaste on a soft cotton or microfiber textile. Then, concord your disc by the rim and wipe it from the center outward with the cloth. Yous should wipe it a second time with a dry material to remove any backlog moisture before y'all play your disc once more. Alternatively, put rubbing alcohol on the textile to clean fingerprints or grease from your disc. Want to requite your disc a general cleaning? Just dampen the cloth with tap h2o and wipe your disc in the same fashion. To learn how to get a make clean disc drive to put your at present-clean disc into, read on!

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